...and the fruit they harvest is people brought to eternal life

Glimpse of G0d’s Gl0ry #2

“Though the L0rd gave
you adversity for food and suffering for drink, he will still be with you to
teach you. You will see your teacher with your own eyes. Your own ears will
hear him. Right behind you a voice will say, ‘This is the way you should go,’
whether to the right or to the left.” Isaiah 30:20-21
Greetings to
you all and gratitude to our Father for your journey with us in 2012!!

Glimpse of G0d’s Glory #2

C0up D’Et@t/Sovereignty of G0d
late March 2012, the M@lian President was ousted by a group of military
soldiers. Immediate uncertainty flooded all of our hearts and minds. Questions
flooded in about what would happen and what we needed to do. We sheltered in
place for a time, and we sheltered in a neighboring country for a time. While
in both places, G0d’s Presence became our true Shelter! He was very real, and His
words of strength and encouragement came every day. His guidance and wisdom
were before us! The truth and realness that G0d Alone is our Refuge, our
Strength, and our Shelter dug its roots deep into our hearts and firmly planted
itself in our lives as something we can know without doubt and cling to in all
circumstances. The reality is that serving G0d requires us to stand face to
face with all that we fear—the evil of this world, the selfishness of man, the
results of this life without G0d, war, torture, and even death for His gl0ry—and
respond by faith to trust Him, believe Him, follow Him, and continue to serve
Him no matter what.
that day when the President was overthrown and ousted, M@li became a country in
turmoil and it remains a country with struggles greater than she can conquer on
her own. In those early days, the power vacuum left the northern part of M@li
(2/3 of the country) taken over by extreme !sl@mists, rebels, and t3rr0r!st
groups. The question remains…”How will M@li regain her territory and what will
it take to do that?” Other questions loom over us like…”How long will we be
able to stay in M@li and share J.s.s? What happens if war breaks out to
recapture the north? Will it just take place in the north or will it be
throughout the country? Do we continue with our regular visits and ministry
plans?” The questions go on and on if you spend much time thinking and
pondering the situation and circumstances here.
that day in March to this day, as we continue to live in the uncertainty of
what the future looks like in M@li, there is ONE truth that empowers me like no
other…MY G0D is SOVEREIGN! He alone knows the future of Mali as well as the
future of my life, He alone has power over ALL situations, He alone rules over
all the nations and their leaders, He alone has ALREADY won the victory over
the evil one and ALL those who serve the evil one in  M@li and throughout this world! My faith is in

Father God, we thank you for your Sovereignty! We thank you that you are the
ALL knowing, ALL powerful, and ALL Present G0d! We thank you that you hold the
entire world—each and every nation in your hand. There is NOTHING that happens
without your knowledge and your specific purposes being accomplished! We thank
you that when we walk with you, when we follow you—even in difficult, dangerous
places—we are not alone! You are our Shelter, Our Protector, Our Guide, Our
Constant Companion, Our EVERYTHING! Thank you for the glimpse of your
Sovereignty daily as we trust you, believe you, and put our f@ith in you!