you adversity for food and suffering for drink, he will still be with you to
teach you. You will see your teacher with your own eyes. Your own ears will
hear him. Right behind you a voice will say, ‘This is the way you should go,’
whether to the right or to the left.” Isaiah 30:20-21
Greetings to you all and gratitude to our Father
for your journey with us in 2012!!
October 2011 as C@therine and I spent time with many of you sharing about what
G0d was doing in M@li, we began to see an increase and an orchestration of
details for the completion of the radio station in B@ye. Since 2006, we had
been watching, waiting, walking at G0d’s pace for the provision, development,
and building of R@dio K@ntiguiya/ R@dio F@ithfulness. The name of this station
is a living testimony to the G0d to whom it belongs and to the G0d whom it
proclaims. As we returned to M@li in December, we had a renewed and bold
confidence that 2012 would be the year that the radio station would broadcast
its first messages and songs of hope, salvation, joy, peace, and love to the
people who G0d had called us to serve.
months the B@ye area had increasingly become more difficult for us to travel to
due to the t3rr0r!st groups and r3bel groups who were bringing their activity
closer and closer. C@therine and I were allowed to make one trip to the area
just after Chr!stmas 2011. It was amazing to see the station, its equipment,
and meet the technician who would work for the station. When the C0up D’ Et@t
happened in March and we had to leave the country for a time, R@dio K@ntiguiya
was one of the things so heavy on my heart. I cried out to G0d to finish what
He had started, to not let the enemy keep us from not only the Gift of Grain
but also from the completion of the radio.
believe has been my greatest GLIMPSE of G0d in this year 2012 and I love that
R@dio K@ntiguiya stands and broadcasts today! His F@ithfulness R@dio is
broadcasting 8 hours a day proclaiming the Good News and the F@ithfulness of
G0d to reconcile people to Himself…His salvation freely given to all who will
believe and receive His S0n. He was not only f@ithful to complete and power up
the r@dio to broadcast, but our G0d is empowering His R@dio so much that it is
reaching far beyond the 60 mile radius it is designed to reach…it is reaching
towns and villages double that distance at times. It has been described as
second in that area to only the national r@dio station!!
greatest need for the r@dio station now is training for her workers. Again, G0d
shows His F@ithfulness to His R@dio!! On December 6th, His
F@ithfulness R@dio will have its first meeting with her Mentoring station in
Am3r!ca…H0uston’s KSBJ r@dio. We will be getting to know each other and
developing a plan for mentoring and training the r@dio manager and all of the
workers of the r@dio so that it can be the best station it can be for G0d’s
you to all of you who have believed with us for this r@dio station, who have
contributed your financial resources, and who have come alongside us in so many
different ways to see the gospel proclaimed in an area with little to no access
to the s@lvation and h0pe that comes through J.s.s!! Thank you to KSBJ for
their desire and willingness to walk the next steps with us to develop G0d’s
best for the people who need him so desperately! We cannot wait to see how G0d
is going to use His F@ithfulness R@dio for such a time as this in M@li!!
Oh Father, how we pr@ise you for your F@ITHFULNESS!!
How I thank you for passing by us and allowing us to see your f@ithful Presence
at work in an area where you alone can work and make yourself known! Father I
thank you for your s3rv@nts who followed you to live among a people who did not
know you and be your presence there. I thank you for your f@ithfulness in them
to love and serve them, to share your truth with them and now to proclaim your
word daily over the airwaves!! Thank you L0rd for continuing what you started
there…what you said you have done, now we watch and wait for your Sp!r!t to be
poured out and your s@lvati0n to be received!! You are F@ithful and True and we
w0rship you!!