“Hear me as I pr@y, O L0rd. Be merciful and answer me! My heart has
heard you say, “Come and talk with me.” And my heart responds, “L0rd, I
am coming.” Psalm 27:7-8
Greetings to my f@ithful pr@y-ers!
shared with you in my last email that I woke up that morning with a
heavy heart! There was an urgency in my sp!r!t that I really could not
explain. An urgency for the new f0ll0wers of Jss, an urgency for the
people of M@li, and an urgency for His work here. Some words of a friend
we had recently visited in K0ut!ala kept ringing in my heart and mind.
She said, “We are fasting and pr@ying for M@li for 70 days.” I have not
been able to shake the heaviness of heart, the urgency in my sp!r!t, and
the words ringing in my mind. So I come to you to ask you to join me in
response to G0d’s prompting.
Today, the M@lian government
declare M@li to be in a st@te of em3rgency. The fighting has begun in
the northern cities of M@li. The M@lian army is fighting against the
!sIam!st groups and @l QAd@. F0r3ign help has come in from Fr@nc3
(possibly others) and other tr00ps from n3ighb0ring countries will be on
the ground in M@li within the next couple of days. So the time for
action has come. At this time the action is only in the n0rth3rn part of
the country, yet we know that it is possible and very likely for
ret@liat!ions to happen the c@pit0l c!ty.
I share this with you
today to let you know we are doing fine, we are continuing with our
daily activities with some adjustments and precautions. I share this
with you to ask you to join me in pr@yer for M@li. Through the heaviness
of my heart, I have heard G0d say, “Come and talk with me.” Like the
Ps@lmist, my response is “L0rd, I am coming!”
I am inviting you
to choose 30 minutes or hour of the day or night as your specific time
of pr@yer for M@li, her army, her people, her f0ll0wers of J.s.s. I am
asking you to set a particular time aside to call out to our G0d for His
mercy, His intervention, His gl0ry, His s@lvat!on, His Sp!r!t, and His
army to be poured out on M@li. I would love to see us fill up every 30
minutes of the day with people bowed continually before our Father! If
G0d leads you, I encourage you to join me and my friends in K0ut!ala in
some type of fasting. Please just ask our Father how you can be a part
of His army fighting for His work in M@li, and do whatever He leads you
to do. As the Pr3sid3nt of M@li declared…this is a st@te of em3rgency.
We His people, who have seen His gl0ry and His Sp!r!t at work here,
must bow down and call out to Him…we must come and talk with Him!!
Thank you my f@ithful knee benders!