...and the fruit they harvest is people brought to eternal life

Happenings in M@li

“Hear me as I pr@y, O L0rd. Be merciful and
answer me!  My heart has heard you say, “Come and talk with me.” And my
heart responds, “L0rd, I am coming.” Psalm 27:7-8

everyone!! I want to thank each of you for your pr@yers for M@li, for
your words of and for your willingness to bow down beside us on behalf
of the people of M@li!! God is listening and He is answering.

On Friday, France joined with the M@lian army to stop the progress
of the r3b3ls and !sIam!sts toward the south. They were successful in
that mission and the f!ghting to retake the n0rthern cities continues.
The battle is far from over so please keep pr@ying. I have a friend that
is sending us news bites and summaries so I will share some of those
with you below. Use them as points for pr@ise and pr@yer as you continue
to “come and talk with” G0d.

The President of Mali declared a state of emergency. A state of emergency is just a declaration by a government that allows
it to suspend some normal powers/ add some new ones. Typically it allows
the government to temporarily suspend some rights or freedoms. In
reality it shouldn’t affect us too much on a day to day level. What it
means in practice is that there will be more patrols around in Bamako.
You can be stopped and asked to show ID at ANY time, your car can be searched – without a reason needing to be
given. Also the right to demonstrate/protest is often suspended. I
believe that is the case here right now. At the moment I have been told
that public meetings are still permitted, but it is
advisable for large groups of Westerners to not meet in a public place
for the time being. This just makes good sense, while we wait to see
what will happen in the coming days.  

800 bad guys were attacking Konna. France intervened when they saw the shockingly
poor performance by the Mali military. (their words) They were using fighter jets and helicopter gun ships.

A French combat helicopter pilot was killed in the fighting in Konna.  
๐Ÿ™   He was hit by light artillery fire, taken to a hospital
in Mopti where he died.

There are currently about 550 French soldiers engaged in Mali. Most in
Bamako for protection of citizens and military training purposes. Troops
from neighboring West African Countries began arriving today (Monday)
and the next few days.

In BKO Friday night a demonstration of joy erupted spontaneously in
to the French for intervening. The M@lian citizens are thankful for
help of the French  and the ECOWAS troops and they themselves are doing
all they can to help out. A blood bank was set up for people to donate
blood to help the wounded soldiers–1000 M@lians lined up to give blood,
the blood bank could only handle 131 people a day…Citizens helped
arrest 30 people from the North who had come into 2  neighborhoods
France said they have 3 main objectives:
1 stop current offensive
2 comply with UN objectives (training, logistics
3 stabilize, provide security for our citizens and european community

has been the bombing of weapons/fuel/supply depots in many of the key
areas in the north. Bombing will continue in the north as necessary.
Four more fighter planes have flown in from France to help.

The Ansar Dine Lieutenant was killed, bad guy reinforcements were
stopped and turned around by air forces, the r3b3ls are retreating in
the eastern areas to the northern town of Tesalit.

U.S. has offered to provide intelligence, logistical support and
in-flight refueling for French aircraft

Algeria has
opened its airspace up to the French and has closed its border to
M@li…it is a vast desert border and difficult to close. They are also
talking about troops. Algeria has the largest army on African soil.

One BBC article wrote: What has really struck us is how up-to-date their equipment is, and the way they’ve been trained to use it,” the official said.”At
the start, we thought they would be just a load of guys with guns
driving about in their pick-ups, but the reality is that they are
well-trained, well-equipped, and well-armed.

France is on high alert because of possible repercussions on French soil, here in M@li, and their interests around the world.

There are many meetings scheduled this week …the world is focusing on M@li

Monday bad guys entered the picture from the M@urit@nian border and
took control of the town of Di@baly and are moving south from that
direction. There is heavy fighting there and the M@lian army and French
fighter plans are engaging these r3b3ls. Speculation that the town of Diabaly and its people are being used as human shields. ๐Ÿ™ please pray for these
scared sweet M@lians…this is also in an area where some friends of ours have worked

MNLA (those who began this take over of the north in April 2012) stated
today that they are ready to turn and work with the French to fight the
!sIam!sts and r3b3ls.

We continue our work and relationships here…making J.s.s known and
d!scipling those who have chosen Him. For such a time as this we know
where true salvation comes from and we know that now is the time people
are more open to hearing about the hope we have in J.s.s.

Please use these tidbits of information and allow G0d to guide you
as you pr@y for the situations. This is w@r so please pr@y for the
innocent who are in harms way daily. Pr@y for the s@lvation of the
people of M@li as well as the turning of r3b3ls to the One True G0d.
Pr@y for the gl0ry of G0d to be seen and recognized, for eyes to be open
to the Truth about J.s.s., and for hearts to receive what He has done
for them.

good articles :
