“How precious is Your unfailing love, O G0d! All humanity finds shelter in the shadow of Your wings. You feed them from the abundance of Your own house, letting them drink from Your river of delights. For you are the fountain of life, the light by which we see.” Ps@lm 36:7-9
During this time of uncertainty in M@li, the instructions to us have been to “shelter in place”. This morning as I woke up and began seeking G0d and His words for me today, I read the above scr1ptures. I smiled as I saw His intimate connection with us…those who are sheltering in place. He alone is our shelter, our refuge, the One we trust, the One for whom we search. His unfailing love is soooo precious! ALL of us find shelter in the shadow of His wings. He Alone feeds us from the abundance of His own house. He is the fountain of life and the light by which we see.
My heart and mind spent much of the day, thinking about my M@lian friends and the times of trouble they are experiencing. While I have plenty of food and water, and while I know the One who covers us with His wings, they live day by day. Most have food for today and depend on working to have food for tomorrow. Most do not know the name of the L0rd and live without a relationship of trust in the One who does not abandon us. They do not understand His unfailing love, and they do not have the light by which to see the events going on around them. When I talked with my friend Thursday night, she said, “There is gunfire all around me right now.” I had called to pr@y with her, so I said, ” Let me pr@y with you now.” Her response, “YES! YES!” With every sentence I pr@yed, she responded loudly, “AMINA!” (Amen!)
As I listen to the reports and wonder what will happen in the days to come and question where M@li will go from here, my heart cries out for them to know the L0rd that shelters us, our refuge in times of trouble, the One who feeds us from HIS OWN house, the One who gives us life and light.
Pr@y with us for the s@lvation of souls, the protection of a great nation, and the will of our G0d to be accomplished among the people who live here. Pr@y for the people of this country to be drawn to the One who loves them with an unfailing love and protects them from the dangers that seek to destroy them.
We continue to be safe and protected and continue to wait and watch. The gunfire stopped around lunch today and there were more people out and about as well. Some tried to go to the market to sell or to buy but found very few out buying or selling with them.
The airport and borders remain closed. The price of fuel has doubled and trucks are not tranporting food from the villages. Food in the city will become more scarce as days go by. The curfew is still in place until Tuesday, March 27th. The army still has control of the city, and things seem to be going ok for now.
With these things happening in the city, the doors for the rebels in the north to advance their cause are opened a little wider. Please pr@y for the cities and peoples in the north who are being ruled and impacted by these forces and their agenda.
Thank you for your pr@yers, your emails of encouragement, and the sweet support you are showing to us!! We love you all and thank G0d for you!!
trusting in His name…