...and the fruit they harvest is people brought to eternal life

Hope Remains

“Rejoice in our confident hope. Be patient in trouble, and keep on praying.” Romans 12:12

Greetings to you all…our f@ithful friends, family, and fellow servants!

A day of hope—that is how I woke up this morning! I knew in my heart that the day could go either way, but I was choosing hope– not in the 6 Presidents who were coming to talk to the c0up leaders, not in the c0up leaders who are in control of this country, but hope in our Sovereign G0d who rules and reigns over ALL creation–including men.

Early in the day, I received the email I shared with you about the P@stor and the family that were fleeing the north because of potential attack on their city. It made my heart sad, but still hope remained as I took some time to just talk to our Father and ask Him to cover them and shelter them. I hope and have confidence in Him to do those things because He is f@ithful to His W0rd and HIs promises. I have experienced those very things in very recent days…so my hope remained strong.

Around midday or a little after, we received word and the news was reporting that the airplanes carrying the Presidents who were coming to negotiate turned back. The pro c0up demonstrators had taken control of the tarmac by standing on it in protest to the arrival of the delegates. They were unable to land, so the negotiations and talks took place in another country without M@li being represented. This could only mean difficulty for the land and people we love so much. I must admit my hope did not waiver, but my gut felt sick. I even cried as some friends called me on skype and I had to say it for the first time…more difficulty is coming to my people and I truly believe most of the population has no idea what is coming!.Even now as I type and think about it, my heart is sick and sad for the people who will suffer most.

In the meeting of ECOWAS (the African United Nations), they decided on their course of action. They will close all land borders into M@li, the surrounding countries will not allow M@li to use their ports, and the nation’s bank account will be frozen. There are several good articles on the internet.

Yet I hope in our Sovereign Father,  the Almighty G0d, the One who holds all things in His hands. All along I have expressed my desires and pr@yers to Him and all along He has reminded me that it is HIS will not mine that will be done. He has a plan and a purpose and He is orchestrating events to accomplish His work in M@li and her people. His plans and purposes are not just for M@li but for ALL of creation and the return of His Son!

Join us… hope in G0d for M@li and her people. We have hope that

  • G0d will pour out His wisdom during the next 72 hours to the c0up leaders…those making decisions about the future of M@li and her people
  • God will bring s@lvation–His s@lvation to those who do not know Him
  • God will reveal the TRUTH about His Son and that this Easter season would truly bring new life to M@li
  • G0d will shelter, protect, and watch over His people–those who know Him and live out His Presence here in M@li–both M@lian and foreign people
  • G0d will demonstrate Himself through those who believe in Him and speak for Him at the Pr@yer Meeting on Saturday at 10 am (see attached document)
  • G0d’s POWER would be displayed as the people of M@li come together to seek His face, turn from their wicked ways, and PR@Y