...and the fruit they harvest is people brought to eternal life

Right Beside Me

“Lord, you alone are my inheritance, my cup of blessing. You guard all that is mine. The land you have given me is a pleasant land. What a wonderful inheritance!
 I will bless the L0rd who guides me; even at might my heart instructs me. I know the L0rd is always with me. I will not be shaken, for he is right beside me….
You will show me the way of life, granting me the joy of your Presence and the pleasures of living with you forever.”
Psalm 16

Greetings everyone!!
Thank you for your prayers for us we traveled yesterday from M@li to S3negal. With 3 trucks 13 people, we saw the Presence of G0d with us. He orchestrated every detail as we drove together, then separated to pick up people along the way and lastly met back up in perfect unison to continue the journey without missing a beat. We made it to the border and got all of the paperwork we needed and then headed to the hotel where we stayed the night. After 16 hours of driving, I must say it was nice to get out of the truck. This morning the decision was made to stay one more night here so the drivers could rest before heading out on another long journey tomorrow. For that I was very thankful…I’m not sure my body would have allowed it. Give pr@ise to our G0d!!

This day has been a hard day for Catherine and me. We have arrived here, but our hearts are still in M@li. While we are physically safe, our emotions and thoughts remain in a state of turmoil as we think about those we left behind and those we love soooo much! We have heard from friend and co-worker P@stor D@o. The war in the north is being felt by them especially as all of their international partners have had to evacuate or close their offices. He continues to bel1eve and trust our G0d but for him and us…today is a difficult day of reality. We agreed to to pr@y and confess the words of Psalm 16 together as we face this day and the days to come. Will you pr@y it with us?

L0rd, We pr@ise you! You alone are G0d…the Sovereign L0rd and the One we trust. You have given us salvation, drawn us into your Presence and given us Your very Being…alive and living in us! You are our inheritance…nothing from this earth will we keep forever except You and those with whom we have shared you. You are our cup of blessing!
You guard us and all that belongs to us. You led me in 2001 to begin pr@ying for the people of M@li and asking you to give them to me as my inheritance. You have sent me there and you have given me a pleasant land… a wonderful inheritance. L0rd in these difficult days, guard her and her people. Protect them from the enemies that seek to destroy them and cause harm to them. Post YOUR ARMY around her people and fight for them. L0rd, pour out Your Sp1r1t and bring salvation to the souls of those who seek you and call out to you during these days. Reveal Yourself to them in miraculous ways…Guide them toward You!
L0rd we, Your children, Your servants, Your witness ask You to guide us, instruct us through the night. Give us eyes to see Your Presence with us always.Give us courage as we remain unshakable in our f@ith, clinging to the truth that you are right beside us!!
Show us the way of life, grant us joy in Your Presence as we walk the path You have placed before us! The pleasure of living with You satisfies us O G0d!!
We confess we belong to You…we are Your servants and Your witnesses!! Right now L0rd we need You to give us f@ith, courage, hope, peace, and protection! Thank you because we know that you are already sending it our way!!
In the name of our Savior we pr@y…amiina

Thank you for your f@ithful pr@yers and concerns for us! They are strength for us!!
we love you all…