Night had set, our pajamas were on, our beds were fixed, our
heads down on our pillows, as the sound of many voices singing, “who brought millet, who brought corn, who
brought peanuts….J.S.S. DID, came to our ears by the women of the village
dancing into our compound!!!
heads down on our pillows, as the sound of many voices singing, “who brought millet, who brought corn, who
brought peanuts….J.S.S. DID, came to our ears by the women of the village
dancing into our compound!!!

night giving out the millet, the corn and the peanuts. Each day our team woke
up refreshed with renewed strength, boldness and joy that could only come from
our Father filling us up. Throughout the day we distributed whole bags as well
as divided bags into halves, quarters and three-fourths so each person received
the same amount of each commodity. We
did not have the opportunity to meet everybody in the village; however, every
person that we did meet was greeted knowing that this grain did not come from
the white people, but from J.s.s. We blessed them saying “May Father multiple
this grain every day; may this grain never run out!” As the men and women
waited for their name to be called to collect their grain, conversations were
started and stories from Father’s Word were told.

from the hard work of dividing up bags and bags of grain, but from the heat of
this hot season. However, the village was bursting with joy as each family had
finally received all of the grain that Father had provided for them. Joy was
seen in the faces of men with families to feed, women screamed with joy for food
to feed their children and children felt the excitement of their families acting
as mischievous as ever!
Sitting in the compound we called home, woman after woman
walked in telling us “I’m full…thank you for the food.” We always responded by
thanking J.s.s and reminding them that this millet, corn and peanuts came in
the name of J.s.s…not in the name of our team leader, not in the name of the
white people, but in the name of J.s.s.!
walked in telling us “I’m full…thank you for the food.” We always responded by
thanking J.s.s and reminding them that this millet, corn and peanuts came in
the name of J.s.s…not in the name of our team leader, not in the name of the
white people, but in the name of J.s.s.!
This night the village came together to celebrate the
provision that Father had given them….food, a rare sight for many of the men,
women and children who call this village home. It was late at night, but that
did not matter for this was a night to celebrate! To pr@ise our Father for
declaring H1s gl0ry in a famine struck area! For Father’s faithful promise that
He will always finish what He starts. It was a reminder of H1s faithful
promises in Isaiah 41:17:
provision that Father had given them….food, a rare sight for many of the men,
women and children who call this village home. It was late at night, but that
did not matter for this was a night to celebrate! To pr@ise our Father for
declaring H1s gl0ry in a famine struck area! For Father’s faithful promise that
He will always finish what He starts. It was a reminder of H1s faithful
promises in Isaiah 41:17:

and their tongues are parched from thirst, then I, the Lord, will answer them.
I, the God of Israel, will never abandon them.”
Drums were beating, women were screaming, singing and
dancing while the men stood back smiling, knowing that tomorrow they will have
food to eat, that they now have food for their families! Gathered in the public
area, we watched as the women danced to the sound of drums, with their hand
opened wide reaching towards the sky. As the celebration was ending, we
returned to our compound getting ready for bed as…well we heard the most
beautiful sound of all!
dancing while the men stood back smiling, knowing that tomorrow they will have
food to eat, that they now have food for their families! Gathered in the public
area, we watched as the women danced to the sound of drums, with their hand
opened wide reaching towards the sky. As the celebration was ending, we
returned to our compound getting ready for bed as…well we heard the most
beautiful sound of all!
“Who brought millet, who brought
corn, who brought peanuts….J.S.S DID!”
corn, who brought peanuts….J.S.S DID!”
As my head finally hit the pillow, a smile crossed my face
for as it says in Psalm 115:1:
for as it says in Psalm 115:1:
“Not to us, O Lord, not to us, but to
your name goes all the glory for your unfailing love and faithfulness.”
your name goes all the glory for your unfailing love and faithfulness.”