“G0d blesses you who are hungry now, for you will be satisfied.”
Luke 6:21a
This has become my prayer…that G0d would bless those who are hungry now…that they would be satisfied both physically and spiritually.
I’ve read about famines, I seen pictures on television of famines, I been touched by the pleas of many to help provide food for hungry, starving children. In G0d’s Word, many times you read of G0d withholding rain, bringing famine, and even telling the people ahead of time…”It will not rain until I give the word.”
For the first time I experienced a famine personally! No…I was not the one who was hungry, I was not the one desperate for food, I was not the one unable to sleep because I had not eaten in a week, I was not the one fearful for the lives of my children because I could not feed them, I was not the shepherd who was watching my sheep, goats, cattle, and horses dwindle to skin wrap around bones, I was not the child who wondered why my mom or dad did not feed me today. No my experience was nothing like that! My personal experience came as I met those who were hungry and desperate and unable to sleep. I talked with those parents and saw those children and watched those shepherds with their animals. Everywhere I looked I saw famine and its effects on all of creation. My heart broke! My life changed forever! My perspective altered–I will never be the same!