...and the fruit they harvest is people brought to eternal life

Be Still

“Be still, and know that I am G0d! I will be honored by every nation. I will be honored throughout the world. The Lord of Heavens Armies is here among us;  the G0d of Isr@el is our fortress.”
Psalm 46:10-11

Greetings everyone!!
My heart is much lighter today and I wanted to thank you for your pr@yers, your f@ithfulness, and your responses to go to the Father on behalf of the people here. Walking with you through this has been a joy and a privilege and I cannot keep silent about how our Father is listening and answering!!
I want you to join me in giving pr@ise to our Father for His Presence, His Power, and His Wisdom! Pr@ise Him for the way He draws His people together in unity to pr@y and to seek His will and His purposes!! Pr@ise Him for being a G0d who listens and responds, who acts for the sake and glory of His name. 
I confess I did not sleep much last night. I got up around 2 am and sat still with Him, pr@ying and seeking Him alongside you. I confess I really could not even put into words what I wanted or needed to pr@y. I also confess I still do not know how our Father is going to work all of this out, what the road looks like that will walk as we follow Him, or how He will use this for His glory. These are the few things I know and saw Him do today:
  • Soften the heart of my friend who had closed the door to communication with me yesterday
  • Open that door of communication this morning
  • Open the door for me to sit among my people today, to listen to their hurts, and walk with them in this difficulty
  • Open the door for me to speak Truth about G0d, His ways, His plans, and His purposes
  • Open the ears of my friend to consider that the Truth that G0d had the power to stop what is happening but He didn’t, to consider that if He didn’t stop it, then whatever He is doing will be better than what they had before yesterday, to consider that we need to seek G0d and His will and surrender to whatever He has planned for their work, to consider that G0d is for them and He will never throw them away.
  • Opened the way for us to work through this together for the good of everyone on the street and for the glory of G0d

Please continue to seek G0d’s face and pr@y for this situation. Many, if not all of these women, bear the responsibility of providing for their children and families with little to no help from their husbands. Most of them are asking themselves how will I take care of my family….it is about the day to day survival…not the luxuries of the life you and I experience. Please pr@y for wisdom and boldness as I walk with them through this. Pr@y G0d will reveal Himself, His Truth, and His Plan to them and especially that through this trial, they will come to understand the personal relationship our Father longs to have with them…to help them, to provide for them, to guide them, and to pour out His grace, mercy and salvation.
I also want to give thanks and pr@ise to our Father for my visit to the doctor. I am doing much better. She did some blood work today to check things out and I will get the results from that tomorrow. Her instructions today were to “go to the street and spend some time with your friends, drink tea, and enjoy being out of the house.” That is just what I did and G0d showed His Power and Presence.
One other thing to give pr@ise to our Daddy G0d…He is the One who prepares us and orders the moments of our day, the steps of our feet. He does all of this without our understanding so much of the time. I say this because Sunday a week ago I felt compelled to BE STILL with Him, to know that He is G0d, and to claim the Truth that He WILL be honored among the nations and in all the earth. I had the sweetest time with Him that day and He did a major work in my heart, in my eyesight, and in my mind. So much changed that day and the battle with the enemy lifted in so many ways. It was that next Tuesday that the doctor ordered me not to work, to stay home and rest, to take my medicine, and recuperate. Talk about  BE STILL and KNOW….7 days of not going out, not running like a crazy woman, not coming home exhausted. In those 7 days, G0d showed me how He was being honored, how He was at work, how He chooses to use us…He doesn’t need us, He chooses to use us. Sweet, sweet time of gentle reminders and remembering my place before G0d. Oh how He orchestrates every detail of our lives…He is Sovereign…He is worthy of our Pr@ise!
Give HIM all the pr@ise!