...and the fruit they harvest is people brought to eternal life

Among the People

“You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you! Trust in the L0rd always, for the L0rd G0d is the eternal Rock…L0rd you will grant us peace; all we have accomplished is really from you, O L0rd our G0d, others have ruled us, but you alone are the One we w0rship.”
 Isaiah 26

Yesterday and today, life returned to normal here in M@li…at least on the surface. The US Embassy had opened the way for us to go out of our houses for short trips to do some shopping for supplies and reported that the airports and borders were opening yesterday. People were to return to work and go about their regular routines. Catherine and I took the opportunity to go to the store and purchase some food and necessities. We also took the time to go and greet our friends on the street because we did not know when we would have the opportunity to do that. We talked with many of our M@lian friends and listened to what they were saying about the events. As we talked about the situation here each of them said, “It is finished! Everything is over now. Everyone is free to go and do what they want or need to do. Everyone is working now.” It has been the strangest thing because it really seems as if it is finished. For us it feels like a very false sense of peace and leaves us baffled at how one day the government can be taken over and in just a few days everything is back to normal. Most M@lians do not seem to understand the bigness of what has happened and the consequences that these things have in the big international picture. At this point, most other countries are not recognizing this “new” government and therefore will not continue the vital support they give to M@li. Even though this event seems like it is finished..that it is over…the reality is this is just the beginning. Tonight as we sat at our friend O’s house talking with the old man of the courtyard, we asked him whether he thought this was finished. For the first time, someone responded, “No this is not finished.” His wisdom was profound as he talked about the events and how M@li got in this position.

It has been refreshing for Catherine and I to be among our M@lian family and friends these last two days. Yesterday and today, we had the opportunity to return to our regular routine to a small degree. Yesterday we visited our friends on the street. We came home yesterday from our time out and about with the realization that we must fix our thoughts on Jesus and trust G0d Alone. Our peace comes from trusting in G0d’s plan for our days. That we must earnestly seek Him and walk with HIM through this time–continuing to allow Him to tell us where to go, what to do, who to spend time with, and how to spend our days. Perfect peace comes from our trust in Him and what He is doing even when it seems difficult, dangerous, or uncertain.

Today, C@therine spent the afternoon playing with the Special Olympics children she has been working with a couple of days a week. They play basketball and she spends time just loving and talking to them.  Then together we went to greet and visit our friend O and her family at their house. It was a sweet time of reconnecting after all of the recent events. The old man thought maybe we had gone back to America because we had not been there in 2 weeks. I must say it was a time of precious fellowship and peace as we sat talking together.

Please continue pr@ying for M@li tonight and tomorrow.

  • The African United Nations sent a team of 6 delegates to M@li today and they will be meeting with the c0up leaders tomorrow, March 29th. The goal of this meeting is to ask the c0up leaders to step down. If these talks and negotiations do not work they have troops standing by to force them our. Please ask our Father to pour out His Sp1r1t on these meetings, that His will be done, and that peace will rule and reign.
  • Pr@y for the people of M@li as the pressure and difficulties increase due to the many nations who are withholding their financial help from this new government.
  • Ask G0d to give us wisdom as we walk with the M@lian people through these difficult days
  • Pr@y for G0d to place His words in our mouths …words that will point them to Him as the One who protects and provides for us.
  • Pr@y for us to walk in obedience to all that G0d shows us and asks of us..no matter what that is
  • Ask G0d to continue speaking and teaching us how to live, love, and serve in all kinds of circumstances

Tomorrow we will remain close to home only going out for a few necessary supplies in the morning. These days are still uncertain and with the negotiations and talks happening tomorrow we will remain sheltered with Him at home.
Thank you for your pr@yers, your skype messages, and your emails!! They bring great joy, strength, and encouragement!!

in perfect Peace…trusting and w0rshiping the eternal Rock…