Calling for .75….calling for .25….calling for .5….calling
for 1.25…
for 1.25…
From the early morning to as the evening dusk was falling
into night, a group of us ladies spent the day splitting millet, corn and
peanuts. We scooped, held bags, tied bags, dragged bags to their respective
drop off and greeted the people that came to our designated area for splitting
bags. By the end of the third day our ears were ringing with the fractions of
bags we needed to have available for the people to pick up.
into night, a group of us ladies spent the day splitting millet, corn and
peanuts. We scooped, held bags, tied bags, dragged bags to their respective
drop off and greeted the people that came to our designated area for splitting
bags. By the end of the third day our ears were ringing with the fractions of
bags we needed to have available for the people to pick up.
It was a hard three days of work in the unrelenting heat;
however, the heat or the work did not suppress the joy or the strength inside
of us to give to these people every single seed, kernel or peanut that was
however, the heat or the work did not suppress the joy or the strength inside
of us to give to these people every single seed, kernel or peanut that was
Our hearts were filled with Romans 12:12:
“…work hard and serve the Lord enthusiastically. Rejoice in
our confident hope…”
our confident hope…”
Our hearts were filled with 1 Corinthians 15:58:
“…be strong and immovable. Always work enthusiastically for the L0rd, for you know that nothing you do for the L0rd is ever useless.”

village of hunger people so H1s gl0ry could be seen! Our pr@yers throughout the
week was that J.s.s was shining brightly through us each and every day. It wasn’t
the white person giving the gain or working hard to get the job of distribution
finished. This was a time…Father’s timing for H1s gl0ry to shine brightly
through us. Our focus each and every day was to be relational, not efficient…to
boldly declare that it is in J.s.s’s name that this grain was given!
By the end of the third day, all the people received their
portion of food; the chief of the village looked at our team and said “It is by
the courage and the strength of J.s.s working through you that made you work so
hard for us.”
portion of food; the chief of the village looked at our team and said “It is by
the courage and the strength of J.s.s working through you that made you work so
hard for us.”
At the end of the distribution we pr@ised Father because we
knew that from the village chief’s comment that H1s gl0ry, honor and majesty
was seen by the people. Pr@ise be to the Father who filled us with H1s
strength, H1s boldness, H1s courage, H1s patience and H1s unfailing love to
declare H1s gl0ry among H1s people!
knew that from the village chief’s comment that H1s gl0ry, honor and majesty
was seen by the people. Pr@ise be to the Father who filled us with H1s
strength, H1s boldness, H1s courage, H1s patience and H1s unfailing love to
declare H1s gl0ry among H1s people!
“…We preach that J.s.s is L0rd, and we ourselves are your servants for J.s.s’ sake. For G0d, who said, “Let there be light in the darkness,” has made this light shine in our hearts so we could know the gl0ry of G0d that is seen in the face of J.s.s We now have this light shining in our hearts, but we ourselves are like fragile clay jars containing this great treasure. This makes it clear that our great power is from G0d, not from ourselves.”