...and the fruit they harvest is people brought to eternal life

He Hears Our Cries

Greetings to you–the f@ithful who call on the Name of the L0rd!

 “But in my distress I cried out to the L0rd; yes, I prayed to my G0d for help. He heard me from his sanctuary; my cry to him reached His ears.” Psalm 18:6

I come to you with a heavy heart today!! I come knowing that you will join me in lifting up the distresses being faced here in M@li and that our G0d will hear us. I love that our G0d listens–our cries reach His ears!! Psalm 18 is one of my many favorites. David declares his love for the L0rd and he confesses many of the ways in which the L0rd made Himself personal to David. He said, “The L0rd is my strength, my rock, my fortress, my savior, my protection, my shield, the power that saves me, my place of safety.” We serve the same G0d and He is ALL of these things for us!! The Psalm goes on to describe the distress David had just faced and called on G0d to help him through. Then my favorite part is G0d’s response…in a nuts shell G0d moved heaven and earth to come down from heaven and rescue David. It is a must read and I ask you to join my today in reading it as we pr@y and cry out to G0d on behalf of the people of M@li.

Two things of urgent pr@yer I bring to you.

  • The first is famine! The peoples with whom we are working are farmers and they live on what they grow. Without rain, there is no food. This year’s harvest did not produce due to the lack of rain. Those of us living and working here are experiencing the reality of this famine as we visit and talk with our people. One friend told of a man who walked from village to village with his family seeking for for his wife and children. All the food he found, he gave to them. Then he himself died. Another friend told of a man who normally harvests 32 bags of peanuts. His family survives on 20 bags and he sells the rest for money to buy other foods. This year he harvested 2.5 bags of peanuts. They have already eaten 2 bags since November. The situation is desperate all over M@li.
  • The second is fighting! M@li has experienced much peace in the past when the surrounding countries have all been war torn. Over the last few years we have seen an increase of unrest in the northern part of M@li..mostly contained in the desert region. Rebels and militant groups have been fighting and making demands. The M@lian military is working to maintain peace, but lives are being lost, people are in fear of their lives, and others are protesting against the government. Yesterday, there were many demonstrations and protests all over the capital city. We were advised to stay inside and not leave our homes…which we did. 

My request of you is that you begin daily pr@ying and crying out to our Father on behalf of these two situations in M@li. G0d knows every detail but just as Psalm 18 says, “He hears us from His sanctuary.” Our cries reach His ears and G0d responds…He moves heaven and earth to rescue us from our enemies–physical, spiritual, mental, emotional enemies!
thank you for your bended knees…they move our G0d!

1 Comment

  1. 02/15/2012    

    I will keep these requests in our prayers tonight.