...and the fruit they harvest is people brought to eternal life

Get this Gift in G0d’s Love

P@stor D@o, the leader of our Gift of Grain Project in the B@ye region of M@li came to spend time with us this week in the c@pital. He talked of what has happened since we saw him last in February. He talked of how the c0up d’etat had impacted him, his family, and his work for our Father. He spoke of the fears they faced as they watched the r3bels in the n0rth come closer and closer to them and the decisions one has to make with the knowledge that those who are causing so much danger are truly against you…against you because of your beliefs. He spoke of G0d’s Word that gave him strength, courage, and resolve to stand firm by faith and remain in the place and among the people to whom our Father had sent him. He quoted, “This is my command–be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the L0rd your G0d is with you wherever you go.” He said, “We were really afraid, yet G0d gave us courage, strength, and faith to believe Him.”

 Then we talked about the Gift of Grain Project. P@stor D@o said, “This is a good work that G0d has done. The food came just in time. I know of one man who took his sack of corn and went straight to the machine to make powder for cooking. Then he went straight to the kitchen to cook a meal. The people were hungry.”


His message to the people before distributing the grain was powerful. He declared that this food was given because of the love of G0d for them. He said, “My brothers we are here to give you this gift of grain, it is not because we’re richer than you. It is to show God’s love. God loved us, and he sent Jesus as Savior.
Jesus has sacrificed his body for our salvation. We too should love one
another. Our Lord told us to love others as ourselves and loving others means sharing the problems of others with them. One must never come to G0d or give their lives to J.s.s. because they received food from someone. One must only give himself to G0d for G0d alone. G0d has done all things for us, so if we believe in Him and His Son J.s.s. we must believe for G0d only. G0d knows the needs of people and He only can meet your needs. Get this gift in God’s love”