...and the fruit they harvest is people brought to eternal life

Eyes Filled with Hope

“…The L0rd always keeps his promises; He is gracious in all he does.
The L0rd helps the fallen and lifts those bent beneath their loads.
The eyes of all look to you in hope; you give them their food as they need it.

When you open your hand, you satisfy the hunger and thirst of every living thing.

The L0rd is righteous in everything he does; he is filled with kindness.”
Psalm 145:13-17

Greetings to you all!! Greetings from us, from your friends in the c@pital, and from your friends in the v!llage of Lakeville!

had a great trip to the v!llage this last week with some of our
co-laborers in the h@rvest. There are 2 living in the v!llage and 8 of
us joined them for 5 days. Lakeville is one of the v!llages where we
distributed grain in May, and that was one of our purposes for this
visit as well. The harvest is coming soon and we are glad to share with
you that G0d has heard our prayers and the fields are absolutely
beautiful! They have had a great rainy season and the corn, millet,
okra, cucumbers–well all the crops are growing and producing crops for
this year’s harvest. This distribution of food came just in time to see
them through until the harvest begins and food will be available to them

Thank you soooo much for pr@ying for us!! We felt and experienced
G0d’s Presence and Power as we worked hard to distribute grain to each
family. Our co-laborers were able to provide corn, millet, peanuts, and
beans for each family. One lady told me how she used the last little bit
of food she had 2 days before we arrived. Her thoughts, “I do not know
what I will do now. The harvest is not ready.” Then she said, “The next
day I saw the trucks of food driving into the v!llage.” I told her,
“That reminds me of how G0d took care of El!jah, the widow, and her
son.” I shared the story with her and her daughter and we talked about
how G0d knows our needs, He sees our situations, and He provides in ways
we would never dream. We talked about how birds do not feed people, yet
G0d sent the birds to feed El!jah. We talked about how grain and oil do
not multiply, yet G0d multiplied the grain and oil of the widow to last
until the rains came and the harvest was good again. They sat amazed at
the love of G0d and continued to express their gratitude to Him for
sending us to share with them Truths they have never heard before.

While we were talking with this lady and her daughter, 2 other
ladies walked up. One was from the n0rth of M@li. Her and her husband
had been living in the most n0rthern Ktown. She told us they were
f0ll0wers of J.s.s. I asked her to sit with us and tell us how she came
to f0ll0w J.s.s. She told us how her husband was a f0ll0wer and after
she married him, she chose to become a f0ll0wer as well. Then I asked
her to tell us about how they escaped from the troubles in the n0rth. It
was truly amazing and only the hand of G0d could do it. She told us,
“One of the !sl@mist leaders knew that the r3b3ls  would kill my husband
and his family. He did not want to see this happen because he knew my
husband to be a good man, a man with a good heart. He got a vehicle, put
my husband and his family(me and 4 children) in it, and sent us to
M0pcity.” She continued to testify to us and the 2 women from the
v!llage how those who f0ll0w J.s.s will suffer, but how J.s.s lifts
their load and helps them carry it. She encouraged them by saying, “If
you f0ll0w J.s.s, 90% of your family will not understand and may not
like your decision because they are M.sl!m, but J.s.s will lift your
suffering and help you.”

We were able to visit shortly with one lady who came to the v!llage
when the LIGHT team came in June/July. She came saying she was not
leaving until the f0ll0wers of J.s.s pr@yer for her. She confessed her
belief in J.s.s. as the only one who could help her and asked us to
pr@y. We did pr@y and we too believed with her that J.s.s could help
her. Her confession to us, “J.s.s has healed me. I am able to walk and I
am not having any problems with paralysis in my legs.” She gave great
pr@ise and thanksgiving to J.s.s for healing her. She is a walking
testimony…a woman who does not mind saying that J.s.s has done a
miracle for her.

We also pr@yed for another young woman while the LIGHT team was in
Lakeville. She struggled with seizures, and her mother and family
members brought her and asked for pr@yer. We pr@yed then, and on this
visit the young woman and her family came back to say that she was
really doing so much better. As she made eye contact with both C@therine
and I, she recognized us. She understood our conversation with her.
Previously, she had no light in her eyes and could not understand all
that was being said to her. Her family asked if we would pr@y again and
continue to pr@y for her healing. We gave pr@ise to G0d for what He had
already done, and we boldly pr@yed for Him to pour out His healing power
on this young woman. Please join us in believing and seeking His
continued healing for her.

Another mother brought her son to us for pr@yer. He too suffers from
seizures. His name is B@k. Please join us in pr@ying for our Father to
have compassion on him, to pour out His healing power in the name of

Many sp!r!tual conversations were had over the course of 5 days,
many stories from G0d’s w0rd were shared, and many words and songs of
encouragement sung among the people of Lakeville. Please continue to
pr@y for the Sp!r!t of J.s.s to be poured out on these people, for their
eyes to be opened to the Truths of J.s.s, and for their hearts to be
fertile ground for the seeds of G0d’s W0rd that have been planted.

“Four months
between planting and harvest. But I say, ‘Wake up and look around. The
fields are already ripe for harvest. The harvesters are paid good wages,
and the fruit they harvest is people brought to eternal life…” John