...and the fruit they harvest is people brought to eternal life

Stand up and Walk

Hello to
months ago, I (C@therine) shared with you through pr@yer request how our Father
gave me the opportunity to work with two girls, Ou and Ji, who have Cerebral Palsy
and are not able to walk. When I first saw the girls I felt that it was going
to be tough for the family to take care of these girls as they grew older. So, I
saw this as an opportunity that Father gave me to be H1s light in this family,
but also to help these two girls walk. At that time I had only been working
with them for a couple of weeks and I thought it will take a long time for them
to actually be able to walk on their own; however, I believed that one day they
would succeed.
Now 2 ½ months
later I want to share with all of you how our Father has improved these girls
in miraculous ways, given H1s strength to the girls and continue to shine H1s
light and unfailing love among this family.
When I
first saw Ou, the oldest daughter, she could hardly stand up on her own strength
and power, she wasn’t able to walk without having to grab on to something,
throwing a soccer ball was challenging, and kicking a soccer ball was even more
of a challenge.  Her younger sister, Ji,
had little control of her arm and leg movements and she couldn’t stand up on
her own.
Over the
past two and a half months both of these girls have improved in unimaginable
ways. As of yesterday the last day I have worked with them….
  • Ou
    is able to walk with a walker around her house without any problems.
  • Ou
    is able to stand up by herself, throw and kick the soccer ball with any
  • Ou
    is able to stand up, keep her balance and catch, throw and bounce the soccer
  •  Ou
    is able to bend down in a controlled movement to pick up a ball, or any other
  •  Ji
     is getting better at controlling her arm
    and leg movements
  •  Ji
    is almost able to stand up with help and keep her balance
  • Ji
    is stronger than ever before, working hard and learning to focus
the greatest blessing to see from our Father yesterday was to see Ou walk
without help 2 times in their family room. As I was watching Ou walk on her
own, without help, I had goosebumps all over my body…for I knew if wasn’t from
Ou’s own strength that in 2 months she could begin walking on her own. I pr@ise
Father for the strength He has given to Ou to walk on her own and the courage
to walk for the first time without help. I pr@ise Father for the incredibly
ways He has healed, shown H1s power and strength to not only through Ou, but
through Ji and all of their family.
Over the
past two months, besides working physically helping Ou and Ji walk, Father has
given D@n and I the opportunities to pr@y with the family, to share with them
that it is only through f@ith in J.s.s that Ou and Ji will be healed and be
able to walk; it is through the f@ith in J.s.s that we believe they have
improved in miraculously ways. D@n and I shared with them that we love them and
help them because of the love that J.s.s has shown to us.
I pr@ise
Father for this time I have spent with Ou and Ji and their family. The time to
be a light not only among this family, but in their community. Please continue
to pr@y for Ou, Ji and their family!
Please pr@y for
  • Encouragment
    and strength to continue to work hard in their exercises
  • Father to continue heal these two girls in a
    miraculously ways  and to help them to be able to walk without
  • Father to continue to shine H1s light and gl0ry among
    this family
  • D@n and I as we continue to work with these girls, to
    be a Father’s vessel to shine H1s light and gl0ry among this family   
  • Opportunities to share J.s.s among this family
  • Opportunities to pr@y and encourage this family
  • Ou and Ji to not only walk physically, but one day
    follow walk with J.s.s
  • Ou
    and Ji mother and father, for them to see that J.s.s is the way, the truth
    and the light
Thank you for your pr@yers!