F@ithful Ones…greetings to you from a grateful heart!!
My heart
continues to sing “There is none like you! No one else can touch my
heart like you do. I could search for all eternity long and find there
is none like you!!” This song has flowed from my heart for over a year
now. It is not something I think about and it is not something I listen
to on a regular basis…it just fills my heart and mind and comes out of
my mouth without effort. Like a spring of water refreshing my sp!r!t.
Over the last few months another song…a B@mbara song has found a
place deep in my heart as well. It has become a spring of refreshment
and a reminder of truth to my s0ul. The words to this song mean,
G0d’s promises, All of God’s promises for the world are fulfilled in J.s.s.
G0d’s promises, All of G0d’s promises for Isr@el are fulfilled in J.s.s.
G0d’s promises, All of G0d’s promises for M@li are fulfilled in J.s.s.
promises, All of G0d’s promises for __________ (in the blank with a
name or a place or a specific time) are fulfilled in J.s.s.
G0d’s promises, ALL of G0d’s promises are fulfilled in J.s.s.
I am singing…”G0d’s promises, All of G0d’s promises are fulfilled in
J.s.s. G0d’s promises, All of G0d’s promises for the people of M@li are
fulfilled in J.s.s. G0d’s promises, All of G0d’s promises for the people
in the North of M@li are fulfilled in J.s.s. G0d’s promises, All of
G0d’s promises for the people in the B@ye area are fulfilled in J.s.s.
G0d’s promises, All of G0d’s promises for R@dio K@ntiguiya are fulfilled
in J.s.s G0d’s promises, ALL of G0d’s promises are fulfilled in
Thank you so much for pr@ying for my time with KSBJ, a Chr!sti@n
radio station in the H0ston area!! We met together to begin talking and
planning for the training and mentorship of R@dio K@ntiguiya. Our time
together was sweet to the Sp!r!t and empowering to the s0ul. Truly words
do not express all that I am experiencing at this moment as I have
watched G0d’s faithfulness for the last 6 years not only bring R@dio
K@ntiguiya into being but also to join KSBJ–MY R@dio station–in
partnership with MY people…those to whom G0d has called me. Honestly,
my heart is overwhelmed with gratitude to the One, True G0d and to you
His f@ithful servants who have pr@yed, given, supported in all ways, and
believed alongside us for His promises to be fulfilled. Yes, it is true
we are only at the beginning and we do not know what tomorrow holds,
but today we cling to the Truth and the reality that G0d has done this,
G0d is f@ithful, G0d does what He says He will do, and we believe in
Please pr@y for us as we move forward…walking in the footprints
our G0d is walking out in front of us! Here are some specifics for now:
- Assessment of training needs and the development of a plan to begin training and mentoring the staff of R@dio K@ntigu!ya
- The best location and ways for training and mentoring (R@dio
K@ntigu!ya is located on the edge of the northern region that has been
taken over by rebels and divided this country, travel there is risky at
this point in time) - For G0d’s Sp!r!t to be pour out on us so that we may walk in His ways, work for His gl0ry, and make His name known
- For
wisdom and discernment for those working in the r@dio station as they
seek to proclaim the Good News of J.s.s in ways that will bring
s@lvation to those who listen - Protection for the staff of R@dio K@ntigu!ya as well as the property
of the r@dio station…ask for the Invisible Army of our G0d to be
posted on around each individual and station itself (remember that M@li
is in a time of turmoil with w@r looming on the horizon…a w@r that
opposes the w0rk of our Father)
Thank you again for your f@ithfulness!! You are the best because the BEST lives inside of you!!