“The Master was full of pr@ise, ‘Well done, my good and f@ithful
serv@nt. You have been f@ithful in handling this small amount, so now I
will give you many more responsibilities. Let’s celebrate together!'”
Matthew 25:21
we celebrate the goodness and f@ithfulness of G0d’s serv@nt and
witness–C@therine McGrady or Kadia Kanu as she is known by those to
whom she has been G0d’s serv@nt and G0d’s witness! She completes today
the purposes for which G0d has called her to M@li and she will be
boarding a plane to begin the next part of her serv@nthood journey with
Chr!st!! I believe today that G0d, our Father, HIs S0n J.s.s., and His
H0ly Sp!r!t are all standing at the throne, watching with joy and pleasure at the work their serv@nt K@dia
has done here in M@li. I am certain that He is saying to her the same
words recorded in Matthew 25:21…”Well done, my good and f@ithful
As her supervisor, her friend, and her teammate, I
too say with great pr@ise to our G0d, “K@dia, Well done, G0d’s good and
f@ithful serv@nt. You have been f@ithful to follow the L0rd and S@vior
who lives and moves and has His being within you!! Let’s celebrate the
amazing, incredible, awesome things we have experienced!!! It has been
an amazing journey watching our G0d do what we both know ONLY HE COULD
DO!! Let’s celebrate that it doesn’t end today, that our G0d will
continue to use all that He has done these past two years to impact the
peoples of M@li as well as impact you and I for the rest of our lives!
Let’s celebrate that your walk and serv@nthood with Chr!st through this
life is only beginning! It is true what the verse says, ‘You have been
f@ithful with this small amount’, so G0d will be giving you more
responsibilities. Accept them and declare His gl0ry wherever He leads
you. Let’s celebrate that we walk with the One True, Living, Real,
Personal G0d…His Son…Our S@vior! I love you, and thank G0d for
allowing our feet to walk this part of life’s pathway together!! Keep
following your heart for G0d!!”
Please join us in pr@yer for
C@therine as she flies out of M@li today and starts the long journey
home. Pr@y for her as she begins the sometimes difficult part of this
journey when half of your heart is in one place and the other half is in
another. Pr@y for G0d’s Presence and Strength to be with C@therine as
she continues to follow Him. Pr@y for each of 3 flights and for her
reunion with her family tomorrow (January 26). Already we have seen G0d
smoothing out the journey. Originally she would arrive on the 25th and
the weather in NC was going to be 0 degrees, snow and ice. Her flight
was changed and now she will be arriving on the day after with predicted
temps in the 40s.
Thank you for your f@ithfulness as our pr@yer
partners to pr@y for C@therine in her journey of f0ll0wship!! If you,
your S.nday School class, or your ch.rch would like to have C@therine
come and share with you about what G0d has been doing, please feel free
to ask her. She would love to come and share with you and continue to
declare His gl0ry!